Category: Thoughts & Theory

This Is Not Okay [UPDATED]

No – law enforcement officers should never, under any circumstances, impersonate a journalist. NEVER. This action puts all journalists at risk as it implants the idea that anyone claiming to be a journalist could be a law enforcement officer and that opens them up to a significant level of danger, particularly if they cover controversial or difficult subjects. How serious...

Updating Sideline Policies – Monopods Are Allowed, Stop the Hysteria

Oklahoma University has updated their sideline police following an incident on Saturday where a player was injured after leaving the field and landing on a $10,499 lens. There are many posts in other forums complaining about the banning of monopods used to support long lenses – THERE IS NO SUCH BAN. Read the statement from Oklahoma University: No tripods are...

Are Amateurs the Enemy?

There has been much consternation over the last, oh … 15 years … about the rise of the amateur and how he or she is impacting the profession of photojournalism. It is true that may photojournalists succeeded solely on their technical skills as photographers. Those are the ones who are most worried. As camera technology has advanced, the expertise needed...