October 18, 2011 FYI … NPPAStudents Now on Twitter If you’re a student and an NPPA member, you should follow the NPPAStudent account. I suspect there will be a lot of good info coming through there. Categories Advice & Learning/Photojournalism/Tech Talk
October 13, 2011 Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar Registration Now Open Get it on your calendar and get registered – the 2011 Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar is scheduled for December 2-3 at the Westin Atlanta Perimeter North Hotel. The list of folks there this year is pretty amazing – David Burnett, Rich Addicks, Mary Calvert, Barbara Davidson, Julie Jacobson, Greg Kahn, Mike David, Tom Kennedy … lots of very smart, very successful... Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Photojournalism
October 11, 2011 Photographing Steve Jobs He was an icon before he started putting an “i” before everything and made everything easier, but Steve Jobs was apparently a very difficult person to photography according to a piece on Photo District News. Categories Business & Industry/Good Work/Journalism/Photojournalism
October 11, 2011 A Year from the Streets The BBC’s Phil Coomes has a writeup of a year-long project done by hundreds of photographers, mostly in England. Each week, a message was posted with a theme to shoot and post to a Flickr gallery. It’s a neat idea, one I played with here in Athens a few years ago but didn’t get much traction with. May be worth... Categories At Work/Good Work/Journalism/Photojournalism
October 9, 2011 Don McCullin on War Photography Interesting talk by war photographer Don McCullin where he talks about his start, his war coverage and the landscapes he now shoots which many think look like a continuation of his conflict photography. Categories Craft/Photojournalism
October 9, 2011 Billy Weeks Wins the 23rd Annual Gordon Parks International Photography Contest Totally inside baseball here, but Billy Weeks has been a huge supporter of my students and has become a very dear friend, so when he posted on Facebook that he had won the 23rd Annual Gordon Parks International Photography Contest I just had to share it with you guys. Billy is a true community journalist – he cares about communities... Categories Business & Industry/Competitions/Journalism/Photojournalism
October 8, 2011 Categorizing Online Video Alfred Hermida ovaer at Reportr.net put up a post this past week on How Online Video is Different from Television and, while it doesn’t go as deep as the headline infers, he has an excellent breakdown of the types of video seen online. He’s come up with five categories of video that work well on the web: experiential, direct, speak,... Categories Journalism/Photojournalism/Video
October 6, 2011 Do You Know Your Story? Great post by Bill Wadman about researching your subjects – and what they’re expertise is in. Being the photographer in the room will only get you so far. Being someone who is invested in telling the story of the people in the room will get you much further. This has me thinking that I may ask my students to write... Categories Journalism/Photojournalism/Thoughts & Theory
October 6, 2011 Why Street Photographers Shoot in Black and White It’s a question that comes up quite a bit in my class – can we shoot in black and white? My answer has been, and will remain, quite simple – no. My world is in color, we should capture it that way. That’s not to say that photographers who choose to work in black and white are wrong, that’s just... Categories Craft/Photojournalism
October 4, 2011 Video Storytelling Workshop, Online The National Press Photographers Association is hosting an online workshop on video storytelling called Lighting, Writing and Surviving on Oct. 15. From the site: Join an all-star faculty on October 15, 2011 for an exciting day of presentations. Best of all, you don’t have to leave home to participate. Available On Line if you’re busy the 15th, all presentations are... Categories Advice & Learning/Multimedia/Photojournalism