August 14, 2014 NPPA Protests Ferguson Police Tactics As journalists have come under fire and been detained, the National Press Photographers Association’s has sent a letter of protest to the Ferguson, Missouri police. Categories Advice & Learning/Ethics & Legal/Photojournalism
August 13, 2014 On Them, Us and We (Briefly) Slate has posted a short video from a panel discussing the late photojournalist, Chris Hondros. It’s a little under six minutes and in now way is enough about him or his work, but this one quote from Hondros stuck out: We place these layers of culture and ethnicity on ourselves and it really doesn’t mean that much compared to the... Categories Advice & Learning/Photojournalism/Thoughts & Theory
August 13, 2014 Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar – Nov. 13-15 Get your tickets early – registration is open for the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar. The schedule looks great – Amy Toensing, Scott Strazzante, Al Diaz, Matt Eich, Ken Lyons and a slew of others are on the lists. Categories Advice & Learning/Photojournalism/Video
August 12, 2014 Disconnect From Time to Time … Please I will admit I wrestle with this, too – my pocket computer/phone is a constant companion and leaving it alone is tough. But I want to get away from it, to connect with those around me not those connected to me. This comment from a New York Times piece by Nick Bilton indicates how bad it has gotten: For photographers,... Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Photojournalism/Thoughts & Theory
August 9, 2014 Those Left Behind A touching column by Daniela Deane at the WashingtonPost about the killing of her husband, Mick Deane, last year in Cairo. We have to remember, then, that behind every number, on the back of every death, is a devastating loss for those left behind. And a very personal experience of grief. It would be easy to think of this as... Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Photojournalism/Thoughts & Theory
August 7, 2014 Mark Edelson on Editing There is a short list of people I’d go work for in a heart beat, Mark Edelson at the Palm Beach Post is on that list. I’ve met him once or twice, but in just a few minutes he clarified things for me like no other. It’s good to see his own paper recognizes what they have. This is critical:... Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Good Work/Photojournalism/Thoughts & Theory
July 12, 2014 We Have Lost John Seigenthaler While not a visual journalist, every one of us should pay attention to John Seigenthaler’s dedication to serving his community. I was luck enough to meet and talk with him several years ago at the First Amendment Center at Vanderbuilt University, a moment I’m sure slipped into his memory but resonates with me to this day. Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Good Work/Journalism/Thoughts & Theory
July 11, 2014 Wall Street Journal Takes on Hand Out Photos There has been a long-running debate between the Washington press corp and the current presidential administration about photo access. The short version: the White House hired an accomplished photojournalist, Pete Souza, to be the president’s photographer and has been much more active in releasing photos from Souza to the press and public. Which seems like a good thing, except they... Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Ethics & Legal/Photojournalism
July 2, 2014 A Good Eye Doesn’t Make You a Good Photographer An old piece by legendary photo editor John Loengard rumbled into view on the Nieman Reports web site and it included this gem that I’d lost along the way: Before I became a picture editor, I assumed that “good photographers” took “good pictures” because they had a special eye. What I found was that good photographers take good pictures because... Categories Advice & Learning/Craft/Photojournalism
June 10, 2014 Small Screen Impact in Photos Over at the Poynter Institute, Sam Kirkland put up a piece about consuming photojournalism on smartphones. This is something I’ve been thinking about and trying to find a place for in my program – we have to be thinking of how our audience is looking at our work and mobile devices is a huge percentage now. Solid advice from Kirkland... Categories Advice & Learning/Craft/Photojournalism/Tech Talk