SXSW Survival Guide

I am down in Austin, Texas, at the SXSW Interactive conference and am learning a ton.

First, I have learned that I need to post more, so today I am hoping to get up some short, quick posts about some of the sessions. Lessons from yesterday though, first …

– SXSW is EPIC. I have covered and attended big things before, but outside of major league sports I have never been to anything nearly as large as this event is. The Austin Convention Center is big, and the conference spills out into about a dozen other locations around the city. Most of it is within walking distance, but they do run shuttles. I’ve been walking, so a good pair of comfortable shoes are a must.

– Bring a LOT of business cards. I had expected apps lime Bump to be real Yu common for data exchange, but I have collected a couple dozen business cards and am almost out of my own. Some folks had custom cards made up that say, “We met at SXSW …” if I get to one back, I will definitely do something like that. My lovely UGA cards just aren’t cutting it. Because …

– I need to do a better job of telling my story online. Tonight I want to rewrite my bio for use on Twitter and Facebook. I need to better define who I am.

More as it develops …

Mark E. Johnson

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