Category: Advice & Learning

Giving Back From What Was Taken

This … this is why I love photojournalists: Yunghi Kim announced in a private Facebook group last week that she was creating ten, one-time grants of $1,000 each to support independent photojournalists. Where did the funds come from? From money she recouped from copyright infringements. You probably can’t enter (unless you were already part of the online group), but that’s...

Ethics and the Role of Photojournalism Organizations

Rachel Donadio has a piece up at The New York Times talking about this year’s Visa Pour l’Image Festival in Perpignan, France, that’s worth a read. Perpignan is the annual gathering of photojournalism, one of (if not the) largest exhibition of work each year. Donadio’s piece runs through some of the big issues of the last year, including the decision...