October 25, 2013 Souza on Obama Photo District News’ David Walker has an interview up with President Obama’s photographer, Pete Souza. Not journalism, but worth a read. Categories Business & Industry/Photojournalism
October 22, 2013 Ansel Adams: Master Marketer Over at The New York Times’ Lens blog, Jonathan Blaustein takes a look at how Ansel Adams marketed himself with great results. Amazing how many of the techniques he used apply today. Shameless Sales Pitch: Think you need to get better at marketing? The NPPA’s Busines Blitz will be here in Athens this Saturday, October 16, with a section on... Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Photojournalism
October 21, 2013 When Going Pro Means Shooting Less The ever-erudite Michael Johnston over at The Online Photographer writes that the only thing he wants to do is work, but that he hasn’t really done that since he was a student. He makes an excellent point – I probably shot a lot more when I was a student because it consumed me completely. There wasn’t an assignment from The... Categories Business & Industry/Craft/Photojournalism
October 14, 2013 He May Not Be Worried, But I Am … This will take you some time, but read through Bryan Smith’s profile piece in Chicago Magazine on Michael Ferro, the guy now running the Chicago Sun-Times. Any hope Chicagoans may have had for the Sun-Times remaining relevant ends with this segment: Ironically, Ferro insists that he loves photography. On our tour, he grows particularly animated as he proudly points out... Categories Advice & Learning/Business & Industry/Photojournalism
October 11, 2013 More Cuts in Atlanta and at Reuters The National Press Photographers Association is reporting the half of the remaining ten photographers at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution will be let go or bought out by the end of the month. How does the largest news organization covering the state of Georgia end up with just five photojournalists? Categories Business & Industry/Photojournalism
October 6, 2013 Again: Facebook ≠ Public Domain Gah … how many times does this have to be explained? Posting an image on Facebook or anywhere else online does not mean it is in the public domain. Categories Business & Industry/Ethics & Legal/Photojournalism
October 3, 2013 We Have Lost Bill Eppridge One of the icons of our industry has passed. I saw him speak many times, was always humbled, always inspired. Karen Mullarkey, a former Life photo editor, from the NPPA story: “I said to him, ‘Do you mean to tell me that if Bobby Kennedy, who you adore, was shot in front of you … you wouldn’t put down your... Categories Business & Industry/Craft/Photojournalism
September 18, 2013 The Killing of a Photo On Monday, the Associated Press picked up and transmitted a photo that was allegedly of victims of the Washington Navy Yard shootings. Shortly thereafter, unable to confirm that the images were related, they sent a kill order advising members and subscribers to not use the images. Late on Tuesday, the Poynter Institute’s Andrew Beaujon updated the story saying it appeared... Categories Business & Industry/Ethics & Legal/Photojournalism
September 18, 2013 John Stewart on the Washington Shooting Coverage The Daily Show’s John Stewart on the coverage of Monday’s shootings in Washington, D.C.: So my final, not initial, conclusion is: This is deliberate. The chaos, the vomit onto the screen, the very thing we thought news organizations were created to clarify, is a feature not a bug. This is worth part of your day. Unfortunately, the need to fill... Categories Business & Industry/Ethics & Legal/Journalism
September 15, 2013 On Copyright and Commenters This started with a Facebook link to a story about the North Jersey Media Group taking Sarah Palin and her political action committee to court over a copyright violation. Which is an important story, regardless of the politics. But as I read down into the comments (I know, I KNOW – don’t read the trolls), I was reminded once again... Categories Business & Industry/Ethics & Legal/Good Work/Photojournalism