Category: Business & Industry

Contest Reality Distortion Field

Over at Time’s Lightbox, Olivier Laurent is reporting that World Press Photo has received a letter from the mayor of Charleroi, Belgium, claiming that a set of images that won an award this year are “profoundly dishonest.” This is getting out of hand. The mayor’s letter goes on to analyze (Giovanni) Troilo’s photographs and captions, including one that purports to...

Why Pictures Matter: Articulation

The second part of Sara Quinn’s research on the value of photojournalism has now been published by the National Press Photographers Association. In it she goes through the language that the study participants used to describe user generated images and those made by working professionals – it’s pretty clear our audiences can both see the difference and articulate it well....

Why Pictures Matter, Why Photojournalists Matter

This. This is the reason you have to support the National Press Photographers Association by becoming a member. It’s supporting research like this from Sara Quinn that is giving us the research to prove we need to be there, that the audience both cares about and can discern professionally crafted news image. It’s supporting research like this that we can...