Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar – Dec. 4-5
It’s almost here – the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar, Dec. 4-5. Never been? You need to go. Been before? Time to go again. Need industry contacts? They’ll be there. Need a portfolio critique? It happens in the halls. Need to be inspired? That happens everywhere.
Check out who will be there: Bill Frakes. DAVID HUME KENNERLY. Eric Draper. STEPHEN ALVAREZ. Scout Tufankjian. EMILIO MORENATTI. Dave LaBelle. MARK ADAMS. Andrew Kornylak. JUDY HERMANN. Kendrick Brinson & David Walter Banks. SCOTT MCKIERNAN & TESSA FERRARIO. Laura Heald.
And that’s just the invited, scheduled speakers, never mind the people you bump into in the elevators …

woo hoo that’s my boss!