Auto Photo Business
If you’ve spent more than four minutes with me, you know one of my passions lies deep in the automotive realm. Old cars, new cars, broken cars and the old, new and broken people that go with them – I love being a part of those stories.
So it should come as no surprise that I tend to look at a lot of car photos and read a lot about the people who also love cars. Amy Shore has been taking the automobile photo world by storm of late and she’s put together a very long, very detailed post on what you need to know to get into the business. Really, even if you never want to photograph a car, the processes she talks about apply to you, too.
You can have a crap photographer with the best camera on the market and they’ll create high-quality crap photos. Or you can have a fabulous photographer only shooting with their mobile phone and get more Instagram followers than you or I will ever have because their ‘eye’ for an image is amazing.
It is well worth a good chunk of your weekend.
She was also profiled on the Mercedes-Benz site, which concludes with a short video of her.