What Your Camera Says About You
Gordon Lewis over at Shutterfinger put up a post on what he thinks your camera make says about you. You could take it as snarky, but, man … it is so mild. Being much snarkier would be a breeze …
For the record, I currently own Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony cameras (just a point-and-shoot on the latter). I have owned Leica gear in the past, shot with Hasselblads and am lusting after an Olympus E-P2 after shooting with one last week. So, this? This I can tell you is true:
Leica owners
You know that no other camera other than a Hasselblad gains as much instant respect among the cognoscenti as a Leica. Although this relieves the pressure of demonstrating actual photographic prowess, it increases the need to be familiar with the subtle differences in visual signature between an Elmar, Elmarit, Summitar, Summicron, and Summilux. You are either stinking rich, living in your mother’s basement, or one lens purchase away from a divorce.
I sold my last Leica to buy her a ring. True story.
(Thanks to Mike Johnston over at The Online Photographer for the link.)